Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by jayakris »

I will post this article by Sunil Yajaman, former AITA junior development officer, with his permission! -- Jay


Career path for aspiring players

Sunil Yajaman, Dec 2003

Whenever I have asked any junior player what his goal and ambition is, I have only received one standard answer: I want to win Wimbledon; few vary when they say I want to become a Professional or I want to play Davis Cup. In this aspect, I am yet to hear what I feel could be the most appropriate answer: I want to be the best I can be or I want to go as far as I can.

Who is responsible for making a realistic decision in tennis for a player? Is it the parent, coach or the player? The parents and coaches are responsible for giving the right advice and setting a realistic and attainable goal. It is only that the parents and coaches are supporting the player to go where he wants to and it can be the other way. So, truly it is a combined decision of all three. It is important for Coaches & parents to understand that the most important aspect here is how the CHILD feels & it should not be the other way. Understanding the player will be a major task for both.

Following is a planner which players, parents and coaches can use while shaping the career of a tennis player.

When a child starts Tennis: Ideal age 5-7 yr.

1. This in fact is the most important stage for a player.
2. Introduction to tennis with lot of fun.
3. Ideally, 2-3 days a week, 45 min-1 hour session in group.
4. Allow the child to develop the interest; do not push him too much. If he doesn’t want to play any day, don’t worry.
5. More fun games and he should enjoy going to the tennis court.
6. Work mainly on co-ordination & motor skill development.
7. Introduce other sports like swimming, football, basketball

8-9 yr.

1. Make tennis more regular, maybe 4/5 days a week.
2. Make sure the child is enjoying tennis, should be in a group.
3. Be encouraging always. They actually start dreaming now on their future in tennis. They usually get hooked on to tennis now.
4. Be relaxed and always show positive emotions.
5. Introduce competitions – weekend and club matches, round-robins and similar events.
6. Ensure kids are involved in other sports also.

10-11 yr

1. Training becomes a bit more intense but fun is still a major aspect.
2. Tournament Analysis: Emphasis on Performance rather than outcomes
3. Tournament Participation: 30-40 singles matches, 15-20 doubles matches in a year
4. Continue playing other sports

12-15 yr

1. Technical corrections are less emphasized. More work on the tactical and physical development of player.
2. The player should have learnt all the strokes in tennis by the time he/she is 12 yr.
3. Mental and psychological training introduced.
4. Girls can be introduced to weight training.
5. Plan out player yearly training and tournament schedule.
6. Tournament Participation: 60-70 singles matches, 20-30 doubles matches.
7. Ensure they are involved in other sports.

15-17 yr

1. Tennis training: approx. 2-3 hr daily.
2. Fitness training: About 2 hr daily.
3. Weight training introduced for Boys.
4. Mental/psychological training: 1 hr daily.
5. Tournament participation: 70-80 singles matches, 30-50 doubles matches
6. Tournament Types: 10 – 12 ITF Juniors, Introduce Professional Tournaments (to get a taste of it): Girls: 6-8 / year Boys: 4-6 / yr

17-18 yr

1. More emphasis on fitness and mental training.
2. A good tournament and training Schedule.
3. Tournament participation: 80-90 singles matches, 35-55 doubles matches
4. Tournament types: 12-15 ITF Jr. World Ranking events (Group 2 upwards), 12-14 ITF/ATP/WTA Pro Tournaments.

19 Plus

1. Beginning of the professional life of a tennis player.
2. Importance towards results and rankings are given in doses with outcome Goals.
3. Select tournaments which push the rankings up along with improving the player's game.
4. Should have a personal traveling Coach for 10 weeks.
5. Should be on the threshold of Davis/Fed Cup.
6. Tournament Participation: 80-90 singles matches
4. Tournament types: 15-20 ITF Satellites/Futures matches ($15,000-$50,000), 8-10 Challengers, 4-6 ATP/WTA Tour matches

21 Plus

1. Concentrate on moving up the rankings.
2. Stress on physical and mental training.
3. Personal traveling coach for 20 weeks.
4. Good management from a reputable Management agency
5. Tournament Participation: 80-90 singles matches.
6. Tournament types: 10-12 Challengers, 15-20 ATP/WTA Tour matches

The above table is only a guideline to players who are aiming at reaching the highest level in Tennis and not a guarantee to success. There are many examples of players who have started Tennis at a late age & gone on to reach a good level in National / International scene. The most important aspect is perseverance & the hunger to excel combined with proper guidance / support.

The AITA Junior tournaments should be used in a positive manner to develop a solid game and not with an aim just to move up the rankings or getting selected to a team.

It is very important to keep the enthusiasm alive in the child and avoid burn out or boredom. Tennis is for life, let it be that way. The coaches / parents should avoid being over protective. The kid has to go through the grind & understand what the game is all about by his own experience. Coaches should learn to ‘let go’ of a player when the coach or the player feels that the player should move on.

Some important Factors to be considered:

- It is important that the coach determines a ratio of 2:1 win to loss ratio.

- Often, the coach/parent places a lot of emphasis on performance at junior level. It is important to think about developing the player's game and aim at the senior level.

- Usually, as girls mature earlier than boys, the age for girls in the above table can be reduced by 2 years.

- Until the age of 19, the following percentage of mixing up different levels of tournaments can be used:

25% matches where the player wins easily for increasing confidence.
25% matches where players try out new techniques without the fear of losing and to try new strategies.
25% matches against players of equal level playing under pressure.
25% matches against players who are much better where they play without any pressure and raise their level of game and thinking.

- This selection of tournaments helps the growth of a tennis player who is aiming for the future.

Sunil Yajaman
Dec 2003
Last edited by jayakris on Fri May 13, 2005 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by insideout »

Great article Jay..... :notworthy: ...Sure it will help many ppl in the forums and answer many questions...

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: !!Great!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

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nice article jay...good 4 someone in their initial stages of tennis...kudos
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Wonderful article

Post by Varma »


That is one great article. A must read for every aspiring tennis player, his/her parents and coach. May be you should use your contacts to get this published in all news papers, just so that it will get more visibility and reach the people who can really get a lot of benefit out of it. Of course, with permission from Mr.Yajaman.

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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by Sandeep »

What a great article. Thanks Jay. But one aspect I didn't understand is why to focus on moving up the rankings so late (at 21). Players who are really good by 21 have already moved up the rankings. Isn't it? And probably he is talking about men, isn't 21 too late for women?
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by kiran r more »

Sunil has mentioned in the end that as the girls mature faster ,they should reduce two years in the above program.Wonderful article by sunil.He is a great thinker and his moving out of aita is a big loss for indian tennis.
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by Sandeep »

Ok, thanks Kiran. I missed it.
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by arjun2761 »

Interesting article on the economics and life of an aspiring/marginal pro. tennis player. Has a WTA focus but should be useful to ATP aspirants also. ... court.html
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by jeet_manyu »

nice article arjun... :)
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Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by jaydeep »

Article by Mose Navarra (former member of the Italian Davis Cup team), chief coach and programme director at MBTA (Mahesh Bhupathi Elite Academy)

Navarra's tennis tips for Indian kids

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Re: Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by S_K_S »

As this thread is probably read by parents as well as the junior players themselves the following website maybe of some use. One of the writers is Judy Murray, mother of Andy.

I love the bit about what to do and say.
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Re: Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by barnice »

What is the highest paid career in the business industry? I want a career in the business industry, what is the highest paid career in this industry? What should i major in college for a good career in it? Is there anything i should do in high school to increase my chances in getting into college for this major?
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Re: Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by jayakris »

Are you asking about a tennis industry caeer path, and are you a player? If not yes, I will delete the post as it has nothing to do with this forum.. Jay
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Re: Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by saivenkat »

nice article jay...good 4 someone in their initial stages of tennis...
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Re: Career Path for Aspiring Tennis Players (Article)

Post by jayakris »

Took out an inline commerical URL in the last post. That is not allowed. Thanks. Jay
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